About Us

Quadshot Digital has helped businesses since 2009. Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, we are a web agency, with expertise in web design, development, maintenance and security.  

Founder Michael Cremean has over 25 years of Technology Leadership, Architecture, Security and Scalability expertise, having led many successful high tech products from conception to launch. An advocate of using open-source technologies, he has led teams to deliver products in diverse industries, including Web, Robotics, Gaming, Mobile, Social Networks and Education. Teams under Michael’s leadership have won industry recognition and awards, including the Inc/Cisco Growing with Technology, USDLA awards, InformationWeek Feature, Smithsonian Digital, WordPress.org, and PDN Website Design.

He holds 6 patents, and speaks at events and conferences about server and application security, architecture, scaling and open-source software. As the founder and organizer of the Las Vegas WooCommerce and Elementor Las Vegas Meetups, he helps people plan their digital strategies.  Michael also assists non-profit organizations, including Advisory and Board roles.


Why is it named Quadshot? Well, when thinking of a company name at a local coffee shop, an order was called out. 'Mike - Quadshot'. A quick domain search and the rest is now history. Yes, a Quadshot of espresso is a bit much, but after developing for 12 straight hours, sometimes it is just enough. 🙂

Some of our Core Principles

  • KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) 
  • Transparency is good
  • Quality > Quantity
  • Open-Source Software > Closed Source
  • Focus on solutions, not problems
  • Working smart > working hard
  • All Clients are awesome 
  • Live in Gratitude
  • Balance is important – Make time for Family and Fun
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